



中篇同大家分享咗如果唔想自己咁易俾杏仁核騎刧,可以試吓【1】刻意練習(Deliberate Practice) 或/及【2】靜坐 (Meditation)。有漁民分享佢一日30分鐘至1個鐘嘅meditation習慣,絶對值得掌聲鼓勵XX。而船長叫大家試吓嘅Headspace app,我都曾經用過,負責聲音導航嘅co-founder Andy Puddicombe把聲好sexy,瞓前聽聽即刻瞓得好啲😌。

【漁民系列】尋寶完結篇 付費會員獨家

(尋寶完結篇) 繼續上回的尋找過程分享。我在選定了第二類後,便上 FDA (美國食品及藥物監管局) 和 EMA (歐盟醫藥監管局) 的 website 看看,在 Emergency Use Authorizations 快速審批通道的相關資料內,找出一些正在申請和已經批准使用的測試方法,test kits,試劑等等的名 單。當中會包括了這些產品的制造商的資料, 例如公司名稱,專利,技術介紹等資料的。這份名單就是我用來作初步「尋寶」的地圖了。


領展 (0823.HK)自上市後,一直是基金經理和散戶的愛股,而領展的表現亦沒有令人失望,但自去年六月公布業績後,股價出現雙頂回落,跑輸大市,至3月19日低點已下調35%,與其他本地地產股跌幅一致(恆指從2018年1月高位回調:32.8%)。領展的股息率已重上4.4% 但仍遭拋售,我們要多觀察一段時間才能斷定領展是否已失去收息股應有的防守性功能。

【漁民系列】交易的黃金法則 (上)

文樂上兩次分享完金價嘅分析,希望對各位早前嘅步署有幫助。相信大家都有跟隨博士指引,當金價於US$1700左右減持Trading Position。意外嘅係,本周初破頂後只係短短數日,金價已經由高位回調了前升幅既75%以上 (以去年12月初低點起計)。現時金市及債市就如提款機一樣,當市場嚴重缺水時,便會秩序大亂,不理基本因素好壞都要捱沽。小弟今次就於$1570左右入左一注,呢注唔會走住,但亦都唔敢再加。

【漁民系列】還有誰可以獨善其身嗎? 付費會員獨家

US Equities down another 10% last night, even after Fed’s massive liquidity injection. I understand the snow slide is due to massive deleveraging. We have seen this in year 2008; but today, the low interest rates globally with massive money printed in the last decade inflated the whole world’s leveraging even worse. Thus the sell-off pressure in US Equities when the mkt is forced to deleverage as Equities price no longer holds. The sell-off pressure has infected the liquidity (like the Covid virus), across all asset classes, including the most liquid asset: US cash Treasuries. This has NEVER happened in modern financial history in my limited memory.

【漁民系列】Has the US Equities Market formed a bottom?

Thanks all for the support on my article pre-Asia opened on March 9th , alerting volatilities in the Equities Mkt. We saw the first capitulation day that evening in US with the 2000 points drop in Dow Jones Index. With the expected fiscal stimulus (0% payroll tax this year) and Fed’s added liquidity, the mkt had a strong rebound of 1100 points in DJI last night. My Whatsapp this morning is blown with friends’ question: “Have we seen the US Equities bottom?”